
6 great ways to get great poetry in your inbox

The Writer’s Almanac is back. But while it was on hiatus, my poetry habit necessitated I find other ways of getting poems to my inbox each day. It turned out to be a fruitful endeavor. My inbox now overflows daily with diverse and excellent verse. Below are 6 of my new mainstays:




Rattle – Easily my favorite contemporary literary journal devoted exclusively to poetry. Rattle also publishes interviews with poets, and each quarterly print issue includes a bonus chapbook.  To sign up for their poem a day (and bonus poems!) go to, select Subscribe and enter your email in the “subscribe by email box.”




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Poetry Foundation – Poetry Foundation publishes Poetry Magazine. Founded in Chicago in 1912, Poetry is the oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world. The best poets and poems of the 20th Century have graced its pages. Go to and sign up for the “Poem a day” newsletter.




3.‘s Poem-a-day – daily email featuring over 200 new, previously unpublished poems a year. 2018 includes a different guest editor each month who curate the selections. Sign up from




Matthew Ogle’s Pome – (that’s no typo, Matthew Ogle’s email list is called “pome”)  – it includes short daily poems or excerpts from poems. You will always find the time to read these. Sign up from



writer's almanac


Garrison Keillor – Garrison Keillor has rebooted the Writer’s Almanac. No longer distributed via Public Radio airwaves, it’s now distributed exclusively from Garrison Keillor’s own website. The online-only audio version is the same as before, complete with that unforgettable theme music and inspiring biographical birthday notes. You can subscribe by email and iTunes





Knopf Poetry (sent every year during National Poetry Month only) – Knopf has been publishing great poetry since 1915. For more than twenty years, they have sent out a free poem every day in April. Sign up here any time of year.



I’d love to hear of your favorite “poetry by email” newsletters.  Please leave them in the comments.



Audiobook version of A Flash of Insight and Other Poems now available

I am excited to announce that the audiobook version of A Flash of Insight and Other Poems was released for sale on Audible, and in the iTunes store on Tuesday, January 23rd.

It was a joy to record this book, to have the chance to finally read out loud all the poems in this collection, several of the older ones I had never read out loud before to myself or anyone else. It was a pleasurable discovery how well many of them fit my voice at 53 even if some were written in my 20s, 30s, and 40s.

I’m also grateful to a friend in Finland (who declined to accept credit) who helped me to master the collection and made the audio sound as good as possible for a project that was recorded in my own home.

Remember, that if you sign up for a 30-day Audible membership, you can get this title for free! Please check it out here or at the link below. You can sample the introduction to the book via Audible.  You can also hear a few of the poems here on my blog. Please note, however, that the audio versions on this blog were published before mastering or may even be alternative takes not the same as those is in the official Audible release.