Month: August 2018

The Rainbow-Colored Gorilla Plays Foosball

Just for fun, here’s an ekphrastic poem inspired by a photo my friend Ed Ackerson posted to Instagram the other day. The photo seemed to urgently want to tell a story so I had to make one up around it.

The Rainbow-Colored Gorilla Plays Foosball

We were down 10 points when
boom! The rainbow-colored gorilla
sat down on the foosball table. Maybe

he was wound up after the pride
parade. Or maybe he was just angry.
Oooo oooo oooo, was all he said,

but that’s all he ever said. We had
to abandon the game after that
due to the smell and carry the table,

gorilla and all, out to the alley behind
the house. He didn’t budge, and soon the
weeds grew up around him. To this day,

he patrols the penalty arc, rain or shine.
Best goalie I’ve seen in Uptown in years, one neighbor said.
Greatest of all time! Insists another.

6 great ways to get great poetry in your inbox

The Writer’s Almanac is back. But while it was on hiatus, my poetry habit necessitated I find other ways of getting poems to my inbox each day. It turned out to be a fruitful endeavor. My inbox now overflows daily with diverse and excellent verse. Below are 6 of my new mainstays:




Rattle – Easily my favorite contemporary literary journal devoted exclusively to poetry. Rattle also publishes interviews with poets, and each quarterly print issue includes a bonus chapbook.  To sign up for their poem a day (and bonus poems!) go to, select Subscribe and enter your email in the “subscribe by email box.”




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Poetry Foundation – Poetry Foundation publishes Poetry Magazine. Founded in Chicago in 1912, Poetry is the oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world. The best poets and poems of the 20th Century have graced its pages. Go to and sign up for the “Poem a day” newsletter.




3.‘s Poem-a-day – daily email featuring over 200 new, previously unpublished poems a year. 2018 includes a different guest editor each month who curate the selections. Sign up from




Matthew Ogle’s Pome – (that’s no typo, Matthew Ogle’s email list is called “pome”)  – it includes short daily poems or excerpts from poems. You will always find the time to read these. Sign up from



writer's almanac


Garrison Keillor – Garrison Keillor has rebooted the Writer’s Almanac. No longer distributed via Public Radio airwaves, it’s now distributed exclusively from Garrison Keillor’s own website. The online-only audio version is the same as before, complete with that unforgettable theme music and inspiring biographical birthday notes. You can subscribe by email and iTunes





Knopf Poetry (sent every year during National Poetry Month only) – Knopf has been publishing great poetry since 1915. For more than twenty years, they have sent out a free poem every day in April. Sign up here any time of year.



I’d love to hear of your favorite “poetry by email” newsletters.  Please leave them in the comments.